MUSHPark News

What's happening with MUSHPark

Items for September 2018

Quarterly Maintenance -- DONE

Maintenance is all done. Thanks again to Vanity for reminding me, and thanks to everyone for their patience!

Tags: General, Information, Maintenance, Thankful

Quarterly Maintenance

So, after being reminded by Vanity (THANK YOU!!!!), we're doing our maintenance. I'll post again when we're back up and running, or if there are issues.

Tags: General, Information, Maintenance, Thankful

Network Issues -- Maybe not

OK, so, by the time I posted something, things were better. WTF? Ah well, we're back online.

Network Issues

Don't know what's going on. Another un-scheduled, un-dcoumented outage, apparently. More news as it becomes available

Hey look! It's a blog!

Hey, folks... It's a MUSHPark blog. Nothing big. Nothing too complex. Kind of only an update thing so that people have a place to look if the main game server is down. Information and such. Questions? You know where:

Tags: Beginnings, General, Information